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    信息来源:互联网  ‖  发稿作者:管理员   ‖  审核人员:admin  ‖  审批人员:admin  ‖  发布时间:2015年1月14日  ‖  查看2910次  ‖  
    项目面积:101 公顷(其中,滨海南花园占 54 公顷)
    设计单位:Grant 联合设计事务所(滨海南花园设计)
    景观设计:安德鲁•格兰特 / 凯斯•弗兰斯
    完成时间:2012 年 6 月
    获       奖:2013 年新加坡旅游奖 / 2013 年芝加哥雅典娜神庙国际建筑奖 / 
    2013年Sustain杂志奖——国际奖:年度项目奖 / 
    2012年亚洲设计大奖  /  2012年亚洲设计技术类特别奖 / 

    Location: Marina Gardens Drive, Singapore
    Area: 101 hectares (Bay South: 54 hectares)
    Client: National Parks, Singapore
    Design Firm: Grant Associates (Bay South)
    Landscape Designer: Andrew Grant / Keith French
    Completion: June, 2012
    Awards: Singapore Tourism Award, 2013 / 
    Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards, 2013 /
    Sustain Magazine Awards, 2013-International Prize: Project of the Year Award /
    World Building of the Year (Conservatories) at the World Architecture Festival, 2012 /
    Structural Engineers-Singapore Structural Awards 2012: Commendation Award for 
    Special Structure (Supertrees and Aerial Walkway) /
    Structural Engineers-Singapore Structural Awards 2012: Award for Special Structure
    (Cooled Conservatories) /
    Design for Asia:Grand Award,2012 / Design for Asia:Special Award for Technology,2012
    / MIPIM Architectural Review Future Projects Awards: Regeneration &Master planning-
    Commended, 2009


         滨海南花园是滨海湾花园中最大的一个,占地 54 公顷,紧邻滨海湾金沙酒店。它由总部位于英国的景观设计公司——Grant 联合设计事务所设计,充满勃勃生机,利用大量的热带花卉和彩叶植物以及其他的一些要素来展示一流的热带园艺技术和造园艺术。它有着以下几大特色:
         由 Grant 联合设计事务所设计的“擎天树”是一些 25-50 米(相当于 9-16 层楼房的高度)高度不等的垂直花园,其重点在于垂直展示热带攀援花卉、附生植物和蕨类植物。
         “擎天树”总共有 18 棵,全部位于滨海南花园内,其中的 12 棵聚成“擎天树林”,而另外 6 棵则以每组 3 棵的形式分别立于入口广场旁和“蜻蜓湖”旁边。
        Gardens by the Bay is one of the largest garden projects of its kind in the world. The
    site is totally 101 hectares comprising three distinct gardens-Bay South, Bay East and
    Bay Central. Located on reclaimed land in Singapore’s new downtown at Marina Bay,
    the site provides a unique leisure destination for local and international visitors.
    About Bay South
         Bay South is the largest garden at Gardens by the Bay and it stands at 54 hectares
    located next to the Marina Bay Sands. Master-planned by UK-based landscape
    architecture firm Grant Associates, this lively and vibrant garden showcases the best
    of tropical horticulture and garden artistry with a mass display of tropical flowers and
    colored foliage and more. Key highlights are:
       Designed by Grant Associates, Supertrees are unique vertical gardens ranging from
    25 to 50m in height (equivalent to 9 to 16 storeys), with emphasis placed on the vertical
    display of tropical flowering climbers, epiphytes and ferns.  
       There are a total of 18 Supertrees, all located within Bay South at Gardens by the Bay.
    Out of the 18 Supertrees, 12 are situated in the Supertree Grove while the remaining
    6 are placed in clusters of three near the Arrival Square and Dragonfly Lake . 
       Given the relatively short time span to create a garden from reclaimed land, the
    Supertrees provide an immediate scale and dimension to the Gardens while marrying
    the form and function of mature trees. They also create height to balance the current
    and future tall developments in the Marina Bay area. 
       In the day the Supertrees’ large canopies provide shade and shelter. At night, the
    Supertrees come alive with lighting and projected media created by Lighting Planners

    (To be continued......)
    上一篇: 索契植物园
    下一篇: 泰国清莱中环广场
    地址:合肥市滨湖新区高速中央广场A座1203室 联系电话:0551-65606058 QQ:2897565681 邮箱:ahfjyl@126.com(投稿)
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